
Exemptions and Recognition of Prior Learning

Students may apply for exemptions for prior learning, which includes formal study undertaken in recognised tertiary institutions in New Zealand, including universities, colleges and other post-secondary education institutions.

Overseas institutions will be recognised to the extent to which they are considered to be equivalent to particular types of New Zealand institutions. Consideration may extend under certain conditions, to programmes provided by recognised professional bodies, employers and other authorities, where appropriate certification is available, and demonstrable expertise and relevant experience.

Credit will normally be granted where relevant studies (or other demonstrated learning achievement) have been completed within 10 years.

A maximum of four exemptions may be granted.

Students must enrol and successfully complete all remaining UCIC units awarded for the University Transfer Programme.

Students should submit their Exemption or Recognition of Prior Learning request at least 1 month before the commencement date of their course. Please contact admissions@ucic.ac.nz to submit your request.

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Entry Requirements
